Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
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596 North Road Ormond 3204 Melbourne, VIC
Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

A Guide to Magento

Let's Get Started

How to Login and a General Overview.

Let’s get started!

  1. Type in your web address and add a backslash then, admin (eg.
  2. This will bring you to the Log in to Admin Panel page
  3. Enter in the username and password provided to you by Cultivate
  4. Press the orange Login button.

To view your front-end/live website simply open a new tab and type your web address in.

If your site isn’t live yet we would have provided you with a temporary URL.


Introduction to the Magento Dashboard

Sales: Watch/read the section on ‘Sales and Invoices.’


Catalog: Watch/read the section on ‘Making Categories, Discounts and Promo Codes’, ‘Creating Simple and Recurring Products’ and ‘Creating Configurable Products.’



– Customer groups: This is where you can set up groups like wholesalers and give them special prices.

– Make Customer Groups by going through the drop down menu. Click the top right orange Add Customer Group button. Fill out the form and hit save.

– Under Customer then Manage Customers you can add a customer manually, though most will sign themselves up via the frontend/live website. You can also assign customers to a group, for example, wholesalers.


Promotions: Watch/read the section on ‘Making Categories, Discounts and Promo Codes’


Newsletters: Create a newsletter for your website.

  1. Click on Newsletter Templates
  2. Select Add New Template from the right hand side then add text and images to the Template Content box.

Alternatively, you can also install Mail Chimp, a well-known system where you can send emails for free.


CMS: Watch/read the section on ‘Editing Pages.’


Reports: Creates and collates information on your customers. For example, which pages they are leaving from and your top products etc.


System > Manage Currency: If your products are sold in different countries you can manage the different currencies in here.


Responsive Banner: Pictures that are on your homepage and fade in between different images.

  1. You can turn them on or off by going to Responsive Banner manager
  2. Click on the image (eg. Image 3)
  3. Down the bottom change the status from Enable to Disable.
  4. Press Save and Continue Edit from the top right hand side.
  5. Refresh your website in the other tab to see changes.
  6. You can also, add pictures as required via the top right link. Link to different pages using the URL box. Under Images and Browse you can upload new pictures for the banner.


Notifications from Magento: To prevent pop-ups appearing each time you log in follow these steps.

  1. Click on the Systems tab
  2. Select the Notification
  3. Click on Mark as Read.
Editing Pages

How to Edit Static Pages such as About Us and Using Static Blocks.

This content (and video) covers general pages such as About Us and Contact. See Managing Products and Managing Categories for specific shopping cart pages.

To Edit a Page, Add and Stylise Text:

  1. Press the CMS Tab
  2. Click on Pages

  3. Select the page you wish to edit (eg. About Us)
  4. This brings you to Page Information. You can change the title of the page here if you want to. Enter in changes you wish to make in the allocated box
  5. On the left hand side menu select Content
  6. Type/copy in your text
  7. In the box above the content there are options to change the size, style and features of the text. For example, highlight text and select B to bold, or select the scissors to cut the text.
  8. When you hover your mouse over the top of the icons they will tell you exactly what they do.
  9. For example you can change text to a heading or bold or add other styles.
  10. Press the orange Save Page button in the right hand corner when all changes are complete. (You can also select Save and Continue Editing.)

To Insert a Video:

  1. Follow steps 1 – 5 from ‘To Edit a Page…’
  2. Click and leave the spacer on your page where you want the video to appear
  3. Within the content box select the film icon (hover your mouse over it and it will say  – Insert/Edit Embedded Media)
  4. A new box will pop up
  5. Copy and Paste in your YouTube or Vimeo link into the File/URL box then press Insert
  6. Press the orange Save Page button in the right hand corner.

To Insert Images:

  1. Follow steps 1 – 5 from ‘To Edit a Page…’
  2. Click and leave the spacer where you want the image to appear
  3. Select the tree icon (when hovering your mouse over the icon it will say Insert/Edit Image)
  4. It will bring up a new box
  5. Select the icon next to the Image URL box
  6. This brings up the Media Storage box which is where your images will be stored when they have been uploaded
  7. Press the orange Browse Files button
  8. This will open a window with your computer’s files
  9. Select the file you want to upload by double clicking or highlighting and pressing Open
  10. Press the orange Upload button
  11. Double click your image and it will take you back to the Insert/Edit Image box
  12. Press Insert
  13. The image will appear within the content box
  14. Press the orange Save Page button in the right hand corner.

To Create a Link:

  1. Follow Steps 1 – 5 from ‘To Edit a Page…’
  2. Highlight the text you want to create the link for
  3. Click the chain link icon within the box (it will say Insert/Edit Link when you hover your mouse over it)
  4. A smaller box will pop up
  5. Paste in the URL for the page/website you want to link to within the Link URL box (eg.
  6. Press Insert
  7. The text will now be a link
  8. Press the orange Save Page button in the right hand corner.

To Edit Static Blocks Within your Website: (eg. Home, About Us, Contact Us menu)

  1. Select CMS from the top menu
  2. Select Static Blocks
  3. A menu will appear such as Box 1, Box 2, Footer
  4. Select the page/content you want to edit
  5. Add/delete text per editing pages/or creating links above
  6. Save Block or Save and Continue Edit.

Editing Images Before Uploading

How to Crop and Resize with Free Software.

  • Pixlr – free tool to resize and crop images to a professional standard.
  • or Google ‘free image editing tool’ for similar software.
  • Once it has been downloaded, open Pixlr and a New Image box will be present on the screen
  1. For your banner: Cultivate will provide these dimensions
  2. Insert the Width then the Height dimensions
  3. Press OK
  4. An untitled canvas will appear
  5. Select File, Open Image
  6. Find the image (banner) that you wish to insert, Open
  7. The image will open in a new box
  8. Select the Edit tab then Select All (or CTRL A)
  9. Select Edit tab again and Copy (or CTRL C)
  10. Click on the blank canvas to ensure it is the front image then select the Edit tab and Paste (or CTRL V)
  11. The image will either be too small or too big for the canvas. If it is too small, when you stretch it, it may become blurry, in which case you need a bigger & better quality image.
  12. To shrink or enlarge the image, select the Edit tab then Transform
  13. Squares will appear in all four corners
  14. Click and drag until the image is in line with the canvas. Ensure that you hold down the shift button whilst doing this to keep the correct proportions.
  15. Select the File button and Save.


If there is white canvas present after clicking and dragging to the correct size you can do two things: Find another image that is more proportionate or colour the background to hide it. To colour:

  1. Select the Eye Dropper from the Tool Bar on the left. Click on the colour you wish to duplicate
  2. The colour will appear down the bottom of the Tool Box
  3. Select the Paint Bucket icon and fill the areas that are white and you wish to colour
  4. Press the File button and Save.


When inserting other images that are not rectangular, you will need to trial different dimensions. For example, it may be 250 x 250 pixels for a square image.

Making Categories, Discounts and Promo Codes

Setting up your Product Categories and Creating Sale Formulas.

Making Categories, Discounts and Promotional Codes.

For a Category that will appear in your Main Menu at the top of your website:

  1. Click Catalog
  2. Select Manage Categories
  3. Click your main root category – this might be called shop, for example
  4. Select Add Root Category (left hand side)
  5. This creates a new page/category in your main menu
  6. Enter a name (eg. Dresses)
  7. Select Yes next to the Is Active box
  8. Press Save Category in the top right hand corner.

To Add a Category as a Subpage in a Drop Down Menu

  1. Click on Catalog
  2. Select Manage Categories
  3. Click on the Category you want to add to (eg. Clothing)
  4. Select Add Subcategory (left hand side)
  5. This takes you to the General Information page
  6. Create a name (eg. Tops)
  7. Press Save Category in the top right hand corner.

Managing Promotions such as % Off Coupons or Shipping Discounts

  1. Navigate to Promotions on the main dashboard
  2. Select Shopping Cart Rules
  3. In the top right hand corner select Add New Rule

  4. In the General Information box add in a name, select Status as Active or Inactive and Assign the coupon to a specific group in Customer Groups (if required)
  5. Under Coupon, Select Specific Coupon then create your own code in the Coupon Code box below or Magento can create a unique one for you if you click the box next to Code Auto Generation
  6. Uses Per Coupon – how many times the coupon can be used overall eg. 50
  7. Uses Per Customer – limit how many times a customer can enter the code eg. Once per customer
  8. Set the dates the coupon will be active using From Date and To Date

  9. Navigate to Actions in the left hand box
  10. Select how you wish to apply the discount (eg. Fixed Amount Discount)
  11. Discount Amount – How much will be deducted from the total?
  12. Press Save Page or Save and Continue Edit to retain changes.


Adding Special Conditions to your Promotions/Discounts (eg. Total spend must be $100 before discount of 20% is applied.)

  1. Follow the Steps above for Managing Promotions then,
  2. Navigate to Rule Information and click on Conditions
  3. A drop down list will appear
  4. You can select from and create a variety of Conditions, for example, ‘Subtotal is greater than 100’
  5. Save changes
  6. The Rule is then: If the customer’s subtotal is greater than $100 the discount of 20% off will be applied.

*Rules vary and can be specified to Post Codes, Item Quantities, Payment Methods and Shipping Regions (for example)



Catalog Price Rules (Discounting products on the product page before they have been added to the shopping cart)

  1. Click on Promotions 
  2. Select Catalog Price Rules from the drop down menu
  3. Select Add New Rule
  4. In the General Information box add in a name, description, select Status as Active or Inactive and Assign the coupon to a specific group in Customer Groups (if required)
  5. Set the dates the coupon will be active using From Date and To Date
  6. Save changes.

Creating 'Simple' and 'Recurring' Products

Creating Simple Products

  1. First click Catalog then Manage Products
  2. Now click Add Product
  3. Choose Default and Simple then Continue
  4. The required options for your product are: Name, Description, Short description, SKU, Weight, Status, Visibility
  5. Click the Price tab on the left, enter a price and in Tax Class pick Taxable Goods. In here you can also add specials and group discounts for wholesalers, as an example
  6. Now click the Images tab on the left, click the orange Browse Files button on the right, select your images and when you are done hit the orange Upload Files on the right
  7. You will also need to pick one image as your main icon for the category layout so hit the radio/dot buttons for base, small and thumbnail
  8. Click the Inventory tab on the left. You can leave this empty but most stores will want to hide products after they sell out
  9. Untick Use Config Settings underneath Manage Stock, change the No to Yes from the dropdown and enter the number of units you have in Qty. Go to Stock Availability and set to In stock
  10. Lastly click the left tab for Categories and tick the pages you would like this product to appear in
  11. Select Save in the top right hand corner and you are done.

The other tabs that may be useful are Related, Up-Sells and Cross-Sells. These will link products together depending on your layout and show them at different stages of the shopping experience. For example, you may match a handbag with a bracelet and add it to the Related section – normally under the main product’s information.

Creating 'Configurable' Products

Setting up Products with Colour and Size Options and Editing Attribute Sets.

  1. Go to Catalog then select Manage Products
  2. Click on Add Product

  3. In Create Product Settings select Configurable Product from the Product Type drop down list
  4. Select from the Attribute Set (eg. colours and sizes), then hit Continue
  5. It will open a new section New Product (Colours and Sizes, for example) – You may have a different configuration setting created by Cultivate
  6. Ensure the correct boxes are ticked (Colours and Sizes) then click Continue
  7. The required options for your product are: Name, Description, Short description, SKU, Weight, Status, Visibility
  8. Click the Price tab on the left, enter a price and in Tax Class pick Taxable Goods. In here you can also add specials and group discounts for wholesalers, as an example
  9. Now click the Images tab on the left, click the orange Browse Files button on the right, select your images and when you are done hit the orange Upload Files on the right
  10. You will also need to pick one image as your main icon for the category layout so hit the radio/dot buttons for base, small and thumbnail
  11. Click the Inventory tab on the left. You can leave this empty but most stores will want to hide products after they sell out
  12. Untick Use Config Settings underneath Manage Stock, change the No to Yes from the dropdown and enter the number of units you have in Qty. Go to Stock Availability and set to In Stock
  13. Click the left tab for Categories and tick the pages you would like this product to appear in
  14. Go back to the Product Information menu and select Associated Products. Select Save Page. A form will appear.
  15. In Quick Simple Product Creation you will create your inventory
  16. Give the product a Weight, Select Enable under Status, select Catalog and Search under Visibility
  17. In Sizes, create your inventory. (Eg. Large top in Apricot – 10 available)
  18. Select Quick Create and this adds the product in the box down the bottom
  19. Continue on adding to the inventory until all of your stock can be seen in the box below.
  20. Select Save and Continue Edit to ensure all changes have been applied.

To Manage Product Attributes.

  1. Go to Catalog
  2. Click on Attributes
  3. Click Manage Attributes
  4. Select Colours (for example)
  5. Select Manage Labels/Options from the left hand menu 
  6. Pick Add Options and enter in the different colours you have available
  7. Save Page.


Sales and Invoices

Taking Care of your Customers After a Transaction.

  1. Click Sales then Orders
  2. Now select a recent Sale
  3. Depending on how you want to communicate with your customer you can send them a specific Comment via the box in the bottom left (within Comments History)
  4. Otherwise they will receive an automated Order Email upon Payment
  5. Check that their order looks correct (eg. address and other information)
  6. You can now hit the Invoice button in the top right corner – this will email the customer an invoice
  7. Lastly hit the Ship button top right. This will email the customer as well letting them know that their order has been processed and you are sending it in the post
  8. This will bring up a confirmation page. Check the information then hit Submit bottom right
  9. Your order will now appear under Sales then Shipments.