Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
{Cultivate Digital}{596 North Road Ormond}{Melbourne}{3204}{VIC}{Australia}{(130) 050-2466}
596 North Road Ormond 3204 Melbourne, VIC
Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

Google Ads | AdWords

Get your free Google Ads coupon!

0489 262 100 or email us here.

Need help with instant traffic to your site? AdWords is the answer and we can help set up and monitor your account.

AdWords is a advertising tool that focuses on keywords for marketing a website by pay per customer clicks.

Google Ads Clients


Avg. Conversion Rate


Avg. Increase In Sales


  • Improved cost per acquisition (CPA)
  • Improved market penetration
  • Improved return on investment (ROI)
  • Improved lead quality or more sales
  • Higher prominence in Google
  • Lower cost per click (CPC)
  • Improved brand awareness
  • Improved customer tracking


  1. Create ad groups. One for each product or service, then test keywords and different ads within this group.
  2. Keep it simple. Try a few different ads and keywords at first. See what works and keep testing.
  3. Create landing pages for your ad groups. Optimise these landing pages by including your keywords within the content.
  4. Set a budget and stick to it. Say your conversion rate is 3% and your average cost per click is $2, then you need to spend $200 to get 3 sales.

What’s involved with an AdWords Campaign?

Starting an AdWords advertisement campaign is fairly straightforward. The key is to determine which keywords and specific advertisements are the most cost effective.
The terms and ads also have more effectiveness if it’s targeted to the right website page.
Once you have chosen your keywords its time to make some text ads.
The cost per click is determined by a few factors but mainly it involves the ad’s text and the page it is linking to.