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Email setup – how to set up outlook – how to setup emails on android – how to set up iphone email – macmail setting up emails

Setting up your emails

Prevent your EMAIL ACCOUNTS from filling up!!!
If you are going to use the one email account across a few computers/devices it’s important to set up ONE computer/device as POP. This will be your main computer.
Keep backups of your emails just in case!
POP will stop your email account from getting full. Then set the other devices using that same email account as IMAP.
eg: Peter has set his office desktop to POP and his iphone to IMAP.

Can’t send/receive emails!!! 99% your email settings are incorrect. Make sure you follow the below steps exactly – please print this page out and keep it handy.
If your mail program fails to login too many times, you will blocked. Your website will appear as a blank page. If this happens you need to triple check your mail settings and then email/call us to unblock you.

Make sure you back up your pop emails every now and then just in case you lose your computer and hence all your emails. I recommend you do this once a week onto a usb drive, they cost about $5.

Please choose from the below:


Mac mail


Android phone

How to set up Email in Microsoft Outlook

Your Outlook version may be slightly different to the below, look carefully as the option may have been moved to a different area.

1. On the “File” Ribbon, select info. Then press “+ Add Account”


2. Select the option to “Manually configure server settings or additional server types”.


3. Select the option “Internet E-mail”.


4. Insert the information according to what we have sent you. In and Out server will be mail then your url of your website. Eg:


5. Click on more settings as highlighted in blue above. Click the “Outgoing Server” tab, tick the option “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” and select the option “Use same settings as my incoming mail server.


6. Check that connect using LAN is selected. If you have a 3G dongle you may need to contact your Internet Company.


7. On the “Advanced” tab, for POP ensure you change your Port to 110 Incoming and Outgoing 587. For IMAP use 143 In and 587 Out. Turn off SSL, un-ticked. Then click OK.


8. You should now be able to successfully test the account as long as the website is live.


Congratulations! You have now set up your mail account.


Final Check. It is recommended to set the “Check for new messages” setting to be 15 minutes in your Outlook configuration.

Mac Mail

  1. If this is the first time you have opened Mac Mail the setup wizard will start. If this happens skip to step 3 below.
    If this doesn’t happen click Mail followed by Preferences…
    Mac Mail Preferences Menu
  2. On the Accounts screen click the ‘+‘ symbol. This will start the email configuration wizard.Mac Mail - Add Account
  3. You will be prompted for some details of your account.
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 1
  4. Enter your name, email address and your email password as per the information we have sent you. This is how this information appears for our example account:
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 2
  5. Once completed click Continue.
  6. You will be prompted for further account details.
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 3
  7. Under the heading Incoming Mail Server enter the following information:
    Description: Choose a name for the account so you can identify it later.
    Incoming Mail Server: This will be mail. then the url of your website eg:
    User Name: Your full email
    Password: Your email password
    Check port numbers are 110 for POP and 143 for IMAP
  8. This is how the completed screen looks for our example account:
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 4
  9. Once completed click Continue.
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 5
  10. Under the heading Outgoing Mail Server enter the following information:
    Description: Choose a name for the account so you can identify it later.
    Outgoing Mail Server: This will be mail. then the url of your website eg:
    User Authentication: This should be ticked
    User Name: Your full email
    Password: Your email password
    Check port number is 587
  11. This is how the completed screen looks for our example account:
    Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 6
  12. Once completed click Continue.
  13. You will see an Account Summary page. Ensure all the information is correct then click Create.Mac Mail Setup Wizard - Step 7

Mac Mail should now be able to send and receive email using your new account.

Setting up iPhone emails

Step 1 – Tap the Settings icon from your Home screen


Step 2 – Tap Mail, Contact, Calendars


Step 3 – Tap Add Mail Account


Step 4 – Tap Other


Step 5 – Make sure IMAP is selected (the default), and fill in the fields as follows:

  • Name : Enter your name as you would like your correspondents to see it.
  • Email : Enter the full email address.
  • Description : Enter a friendly description for this mail account (this just helps you identify this account in amongst your other mail accounts.)

Incoming & Outgoing Mail Server settings should be exactly the same as follows:

  • Host Name : This will be mail then the url of your website eg:
  • Username : This will be the full email address.
  • Password : This is your email password we sent you.

When you have done all that, tap Next (top right).


Step 6 – Turn off Notes

Turn off the Notes switch by tapping it, and tap Save


Step 7 – Configure more settings

You should now be returned to the Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen. Tap your new account entry.


Step 8 – Tap the account as shown


Step 9 – Tap Advanced settings


Step 10 – IMAP Path Prefix

Scroll to the bottom and enter IMAP for the IMAP Path Prefix

Check port numbers are 143 as incoming and out as 587

Make sure SSL is off


Step 11 – Set IMAP Mailbox Behaviours

This stage is important because otherwise your Sent, Drafts and Trash will be stored locally on your iPhone, and you won’t be able to see them when accessing your mailbox from another computer or webmail.

Start by tapping Sent Mailbox


Step 12 – Connect to correct IMAP folder

You will see that currently there is a little blue tick next to the Sent folder ON MY IPHONE. This causes no end of support calls! Just tap the Sent folder under ON THE SERVER.


After which you will be returned to the Advanced screen (Step 11) – repeat this process for the Drafts and Deleted folders, connecting them to the server’s Drafts and Trash folders respectively.

Step 13 – All done!

Once you are back to the Advanced screen, don’t forget to tap Account (top left) to return to the Account screen, and then tap Done (top right) otherwise your advanced settings won’t be saved.

That’s it – you’ve now configured your iPhone correctly for a cpanel email account.

If at any point you get a pop up saying something like can’t connect, press okay and save the settings. Close the settings app, give it a few minutes then open Mail, refresh, and you should be good to go.

Setting up emails in Android

  1. Open your settings app and find the emails icon.
  2. Enter your full “Email Address”
  3. Enter the password for your “Email Address”

  1. Tap “Next”
  2. Choose map as your account type.

Incoming Server Settings

  • Username: Please enter your full email address
  • Password: The password for your email address that we sent you.
  • IMAP server: This will be mail. then the url of your website eg:
  • Port:
    • Non Secure (No SSL): 143
    • Secure (SSL): Make sure this off
  • IMAP path prefix: Please enter INBOX. This will allow for you to store your Sent, Drafts and Deleted emails on the server.
  • Tap Next.

Outgoing Server Settings

  • SMTP server: This is typically your domain name preceded by “mail.”. This can be found in the E-mail Accounts section of the cPanel, under “More” > “Configure Mail Client” .
  • Port:
    • Non Secure (No SSL): 587
    • Secure (SSL): Make sure this off
  • Require sign-in Check this as you will need to authenticate with the SMTP server.
  • Username: Please enter your full email address
  • Password: The password for your email address.
  • Tap Next.

Account Options

  • Email Checking Frequency: Set how often you would like your device to check for new emails.


  • Send email from this account by default Check this option if this will be your default email address
  • Notify me when email arrives: Leave this checked if you would like to be notified of new email messages.
  • Tap Next.

Name the account

  • If you would like you can name the email account, this can be helpful if you have multiple accounts on the one device.
  • Enter the name you would like to be shown on all outgoing emails that you send from the device.
  • Tap Done.