Sick of Telemarketers? Well, here come the RoboMarketers!
Time has written a peice about Samantha West the latest in Telemarketing technology. There’s a voice recording in the link down below – its quite funny so have a listen.
When the story broke a few months back the internet went wild with the prospect of Samantha being a fully function robotic telemarketer who could listen and understand what you were saying and respond with pre-recorded voice snippets. Very cool! But also very scary!
Since then the the health insurance company that runs Samantha has come out and said that its an over seas real life person that just pushes buttons as responses. So rather than an Indian (not sure which nationality) trying to put on an authentic American accent they use buttons to play pre-recorded voice snippets.
So not so scary after all, but sadly less exciting.
Its definitely worth a listen:
Are Keywords results getting replaced by themes results?
Google recently filed a patent on theme based results.
What it boils down to is Google showing results based around a idea rather than one word placed in the code of a site.
Here is Google’s patent example:
“A conventional keyword-based search engine would only return results with the word “Judas;” however, the disclosed topic-based results can include results that are relevant, even if those results do not include the word “Judas.” For example, such relevant results can include the words “Lady Gaga” or “Born This Way” and so forth.
The topic-based search results can therefore include many other results from the same album or by the same artist, even when the user is not aware of the titles of those related songs.”
Questions and Answers
What’s the fold and why do I need to cram so much into it?
The fold is what we designers call the area at the top of a web page – before you need to scroll down.
In todays world people are very whiling to scroll, due to mobiles and tables. But still 80% of the average users attention is focus above the fold.
Ignoring the fold is ignoring sales!
Above the fold space is extremly important. If you fail to place important factors in this area like phone numbers or headings your making it just that much harder for your customer to make a purchase.
This doesn’t mean you should cram it full of text. Instead think of your best selling points and position these clearly.
Just for Fun
What to look smart? Use these hand gestures