Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
{Cultivate Digital}{596 North Road Ormond}{Melbourne}{3204}{VIC}{Australia}{(130) 050-2466}
596 North Road Ormond 3204 Melbourne, VIC
Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

Re-branding and 2013 – December

That’s right we re-branded!

I recently had some time to look at my site and realised that I haven’t made any major changes in over 2 years.
I asked myself the standard branding questions:

  • Is Tyranny memorable? Yes
  • Is Tyranny easy to pronounce? Most of the time
  • Is Tyranny’s logo a good fit for the clients I want? Not anymore
  • How hard is it to change our business name? To difficult SEO and business wise.

So with these answers I set out with the goal to keep the same company name and re-brand just the logo and general aesthetics of my site and media.

Let us know what you think. Does the new branding suit better with today’s market?


Here is some great info on what it is and why and how to do it.

What will 2013 bring?


The net and PC as we know it are dying. Mobiles are changing the way we work and the way that we buy.
More and more people are working from home with as many as 60% regularly working from home, according to an American study.
2013 will probably go down as the mobile era. For businesses this will mean less physical cash going into shops and offices and more into the online world.
It could be argued that this is a bad thing but it might have a flip side. Retail will return to a more community based experience where you talk directly to the owner and receive your goods via mail.


The web will be come more interactive rather than passive.
Flexible sites that can fit to any monitor or mobile/tablet.

Apps and the cloud

Operating systems like windows will eventually die out for something free like Android OS. Their cost will come from Apps that update often, extending the usability and function of your operating system. All your infomation will be stored in the cloud and it will be accessible via all your devices.

What kind of designer are you?

I know that a lot of my clients have design based businesses. So the question is what kind of designer are you?

I think I am a kitchen/hobbit?

Questions and Answers

Q: What do I do with my Facebook page?


  • Share news about your company
    If you have a blog or news feed, share these articles with your Facebook fans.
  • Share news about your industry
    If you see an interesting article or link which might be of interest to your fans, share it on your page.
  • Connect with your customers
    Provide advice and support for your customers.
  • Show the human side
    Don’t be afraid to show that your company is made of real people. Share company achievements or interesting information about your office.

Just for Fun

Amazing invisible umbrella!

Here’s Who Runs The Show: Paul Wagstaff

A website developer and a business owner since 2004. Cultivate Digital is a boutique web design studio located in Melbourne, Australia and is now a top 5 rated web design agency in Google.

Paul has a lifelong passion for building things online and applies a high quality ethic to every project he takes on.

He is also an incredibly dedicated business partner who loves helping small businesses get online in record time with a minimum of fuss. He works with his clients personally and the reviews prove how much his clients appreciate his down to earth, honest and transparent approach.

When Paul isn’t working, you may find him exploring the moon through his 12 inch Telescope, reading a good book, or listening to Dr Karl and other science podcasts.