Generation Gap
The below info graph has some amazing insights how different generations use websites.
Here are the main points:
- Post your content between 8 PM to 11PM, posting during this time will reach the biggest audience.
- Optimize your site and content for mobiles. More than a quarter of Millennials use mobiles to view content.
- Keep your content to around 300 words, all generations tend not to read past this limit.
- Gen X uses Twitter to share content. 70.4% more than Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers use Google+ as a primary content sharing platform 92% more than Millennials.
- Millennials tend to share memes 54.7% more than Baby Boomers. Generation X likes sharing slide-shares 49.6% more than Millennials. Baby Boomers prefer sharing images and videos the most.
Questions and Answers
Q: How do I merge my old Facebook business page with my new one?
A: If you own two Facebook pages that are very similar, its a good idea to merge them. Whether its by accident or you are a new owner, its good to combine the checkins, ratings and information.
Here are some points to look out for before merging pages:
- You can only keep the history of one of these pages. You’ll be able to pick which tho.
- Once merged you cant go back.
- You must be an admin of both pages to merge them.
- They have to have a similar name.
Go here to merge your pages
Facebook will message when its done. Or the reasons they have rejected your request.