Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
{Cultivate Digital}{596 North Road Ormond}{Melbourne}{3204}{VIC}{Australia}{(130) 050-2466}
596 North Road Ormond 3204 Melbourne, VIC
Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

HTML 5 when can we use it – September

HTML 5 when can we use it – September

I have had a few people ask about the new and exciting html5. Whilst it has some great features like animations and transitions its still a long way off from working in all the browsers – W3 say 2014.
Meanwhile some of the html5 features can be used to make your site more user friendly and “cool”. For example I have added transitions to my menu and image buttons – this isn’t html5 exactly: its css3 but it all comes under the “new/3.0” web banner.

If your thinking about a certain html5 feature just ask, it really comes down to your customers browsers. If they still use IE then no way but if they are young and modern then a little html5 is okay.

Browser stats

2012Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeSafariOpera
July16.3 %33.7 %42.9 %3.9 %2.1 %

Acording to W3 Internet Explorer is really taking a nose dive. At this rate another year and it wont be used at all.

Questions and Answers

Q: How do I add a newsletter?

A: There are many newsletters systems out there. I find the best is Mailchimp. Its quite easy too use and manage.
Simply sign up, pick a newsletter design and get writing.
To add it to your site simply grab their sign up code from your login area and send it to us to add.

Just for Fun

Absolut Vodka
Amazingly these guys have developed a production line that makes each bottle unique. Using random colours and designs for each bottle.

Here’s Who Runs The Show: Paul Wagstaff

A website developer and a business owner since 2004. Cultivate Digital is a boutique web design studio located in Melbourne, Australia and is now a top 5 rated web design agency in Google.

Paul has a lifelong passion for building things online and applies a high quality ethic to every project he takes on.

He is also an incredibly dedicated business partner who loves helping small businesses get online in record time with a minimum of fuss. He works with his clients personally and the reviews prove how much his clients appreciate his down to earth, honest and transparent approach.

When Paul isn’t working, you may find him exploring the moon through his 12 inch Telescope, reading a good book, or listening to Dr Karl and other science podcasts.