Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
{Cultivate Digital}{596 North Road Ormond}{Melbourne}{3204}{VIC}{Australia}{(130) 050-2466}
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Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

How too much animation can drop your Google ranks – Newsletter November

You may have heard of HULU or even used its services.
HULU is a similar streaming service to say Netflix or ABC iView.

Recently HULU plummeted in Google. From following what seems like Google advice “we can understand Javascript”. HULU has updated their site with more Javascript which has hurt their visibility greatly.

Javascript handles cool animations like fades, movement etc…

Javascript in HULU’s case was probably animations for TV show searching and animations when navigating their website.

Bartosz Goralewicz from LRT pointed out this dramatic visibility drop and documented it in an interesting case study.

With more than 50% of the visibility already lost, the situation for is getting worse every day at a massive, destructive pace.

Whats the take home?

While many of us small business owners wont have the time or money to build detailed Javascript websites like HULU. Its still probably a good idea to keep things simple. Basic animations, search system etc…

The specific penalty related to HULU is more to do with navigation and how Google reads their site with HULU’s Javascript rather than plane HTML.

It gets a bit technical but that said, complicated animations slow down your site and your customers which is something Google is looking at.

Questions and Answers

Q: When is Javascript too much:

A: Analytics and other customer data is the best answer for this.

Are people leaving your site too quickly, are they trying to click buttons that animate too much, are they waiting for pages to load etc…

These are the questions you should be asking and checking.

Form over function is the key here. Can your customers get what they want quickly.
Over designing and jazzing things up too much can lead to fewer sales.

Just for Fun


Here’s Who Runs The Show: Paul Wagstaff

A website developer and a business owner since 2004. Cultivate Digital is a boutique web design studio located in Melbourne, Australia and is now a top 5 rated web design agency in Google.

Paul has a lifelong passion for building things online and applies a high quality ethic to every project he takes on.

He is also an incredibly dedicated business partner who loves helping small businesses get online in record time with a minimum of fuss. He works with his clients personally and the reviews prove how much his clients appreciate his down to earth, honest and transparent approach.

When Paul isn’t working, you may find him exploring the moon through his 12 inch Telescope, reading a good book, or listening to Dr Karl and other science podcasts.