Cultivate Digital

Cultivate Digital
{Cultivate Digital}{596 North Road Ormond}{Melbourne}{3204}{VIC}{Australia}{(130) 050-2466}
596 North Road Ormond 3204 Melbourne, VIC
Cultivate Digital
Phone: (130) 050-2466

Google updates – January

Google updates – January

Google released a major update for backlinks.

No longer can you just make links for keywords. This looks to spammy to Google. They require a more rounded approach.

For every 100 links built, you should build the following:

18 links with anchor text of “Red Widgets” – this is the exact match

17 links with anchor text containing Red Widgets, such as “Handy Red Widgets”, Waterproof Red Widgets”, etc – this is the phrase match

30 links with anchor text of “Widget World” or slight variation – this is the brand

18 links with the anchor text of “” – this is the URL

17 links with random anchor text – this could be long tail phrases like “see more about Red Widgets at our site” or simple phrases like “click here” etc.

For more info read here.

Facebook: No Plans For An External Search Engine

Facebook confirms that they will not be making a search engine to compete with Google or Bing. Instead they are focusing on an internal search engine.

Remember the 90’s?

Internet explore takes us back.

Click here for the video.

Questions and Answers

Q: How do I set-up Outlook to pop mail?

A: You can follow these steps here:

Just for Fun

What SMS faces really look like:

Source –

Here’s Who Runs The Show: Paul Wagstaff

A website developer and a business owner since 2004. Cultivate Digital is a boutique web design studio located in Melbourne, Australia and is now a top 5 rated web design agency in Google.

Paul has a lifelong passion for building things online and applies a high quality ethic to every project he takes on.

He is also an incredibly dedicated business partner who loves helping small businesses get online in record time with a minimum of fuss. He works with his clients personally and the reviews prove how much his clients appreciate his down to earth, honest and transparent approach.

When Paul isn’t working, you may find him exploring the moon through his 12 inch Telescope, reading a good book, or listening to Dr Karl and other science podcasts.